OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Known Issues

Known issues of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 11.

This release of OpenPlant Isometrics Manager is delivered with CONNECT Licensing. V8i releases of AutoPLANT do not use CONNECT Licensing. Due to this discrepancy, if OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 4 is run with any version of AutoPLANT Modeler V8i, you will be charged for OpenPlant Isometrics Manager CONNECT Edition Update 4 on a quarterly term basis for all usage above the number of OPIM licenses you already own. For that reason we do not recommend you use these versions together.

The upcoming AutoPLANT CONNECT Edition release will be compatible with the CONNECT Licensing and will resolve this issue.

Description Resolution
An error message displays when an AutoPLANT isometric is generated in OpenPlant Isometrics Manager if OPIM has been installed after AutoPLANT Modeler using the following steps:
  1. Install AutoPlant PreReq and Modeler and then install OPIM CONNECT.
  2. Create a new project from Project Administrator.
  3. Create new drawing in the project from Vision.
  4. Open the drawing and add some piping components.
  5. Load Import/Export menu and generate isometrics from OPIM interface.
  6. The following error message is displayed:
  • Resolution #1- Install OpenPlant Isometrics Manager before AutoPLANT Prerequisites and AutoPLANT Modeler.
  • Resolution #2 - Use the following procedure to avoid this issue:
    1. End the tasks BPCom32Host and BPCOM32Domain from the Task Manager.
    2. Run BPCom32Host as administrator from C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\Plant V8i\Bin\NGUtils\x86
    3. Repeat steps 2-5 as described to successfully generate the isometric.
Error when generating an AutoPLANT isometric in a ProjectWise enabled project using the standalone OpenPlant Isometrics Manager.
Steps to reproduce:
  1. Open any piping drawing from Vision.
  2. Insert some piping components with Pipes, elbows. flanges, valves, etc.
  3. Save the drawing and generate isometrics from AutoPLANT Import/Export ribbon.
  4. Open OpenPlant Isometrics Manager and log into the ProjectWise enabled project.
  5. Try to generate isometrics with any line and an error will occur.
Run the isometrics while in the AutoPLANT modeling session.